
My Lil' Rockstar

Last night was awesome.

Around 3:50, David had a doctor's appointment for his shoulder; turns out he has tendinitis and needs physical therapy to help it. After he was done with that, we hung out with my older sister for a while at her house, letting him and her get to know each other. Around 5, when my mom got back into town, my younger sister, my mom, my older sister and her husband, David and I went to dinner. We had a nice time, but David was quiet, but that's just how he is.

After that, we went to the gig for Max and his band.

There was a younger group, and then Max's group. They played three songs each, and it was quite the time. My ex was there with David's stalker, though. And.. eh, that wasn't so nice. But I saw my dad, and got to see Max enjoy himself. So, it was interesting, to say the least.

After that, I got my arm signed by Max to make him feel good, and still have it. After that, David stayed at my house until around 10... we talked, and that was it. He made me smile. We got to know each other. It was nice. So nice.

This morning, I got up around 9:30, and went down the same place where the gig was last night and helped my friend Stef with letting kids paint. They were painting Jackson Pollock style, with the splatter painting and things. They came up and painted on this really giant canvas, and it was so cute.

After that, I went to breakfast with my family, not David this time, and then we went to do errands together... Not and exciting morning, but I'm happy. I'm really happy.

For once. I'm happy with me.


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